Tuesday, March 5, 2013

College Life: 10 Ways to Reduce Stress

1) Get enough sleep.   
It may be tempting to hit the hay at 4 a.m. and then attend an 8 a.m. class, but shortchanging yourself on rest can increase your stress level. Plus, insufficient sleep can put you at risk for serious illnesses, such as diabetes, obesity, and depression.

2)  Eat well. A steady diet of pizza and vending-machine fare can decrease energy levels in the body, leading to a lower threshold for stress. Follow a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

3) Exercise. When you’re stressed, moving around may be the last thing you feel like doing. But as little as 20 minutes a day of physical activity can reduce stress levels.

4) Avoid unnatural energy boosters. Artificial stimulants like caffeine pills or prescription meds may help you stay awake for that all-night study session, but putting off your body’s need to sleep will ultimately result in an energy crash, resulting again in a greater susceptibility to stress.

5) Get emotional support. Adjusting to college can be difficult, and venting your frustrations to a trusted friend can go a long way in fighting stress.

6) Don’t give up your passions. Your schedule may be filled with lectures and study groups, but try to find at least a couple of hours each week to pursue a hobby or other activity that you enjoy. (:

7) Try not to overload yourself.  Between classes, extracurricular groups, and maybe even a job, it’s easy for students to take on more than they can handle. 

8) Avoid relaxing with alcohol. Having three or four beers to unwind after a hard day of studying may seem perfectly logical, but any unresolved stress that you have will just come flooding back after your buzz subsides. Plus, if you overindulge, you may have to deal with unpleasant side effects, like nausea and hangovers, later on. If you find yourself drinking regularly before noon, become anxious at the prospect of not drinking, or become unable to “just have one,” you may be developing alcohol dependence.

9) Breathe. When you feel stressed, deep-breathing exercises can help melt away the tension. Try this exercise: Inhale slowly through your nose, hold the breath for a few seconds, then exhale through your mouth, and repeat as needed. This helps prevent the short, shallow breaths that often accompany feelings of tension.

10) Get a massage. Stress often causes your muscles to become tight and knotted, and a professional massage therapist can help to loosen them, providing stress relief. ^.^

For more information visit  http://www.everydayhealth.com/college-health/college-life-10-ways-to-reduce-stress.aspx  (:

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